William Zappa’s Iliad–the second instalment!

Early in 2015 the ANU Classical Society organized a very successful evening featuring the Australian actor, playwright and director, William Zappa, who introduced a large audience to his work-in-progress: an adaptation of the Iliad that lends itself to performance—and that brings a poetic rhythm and an ‘Australian voice’ to this great story, making it accessible to modern audiences. On that occasion Zappa performed his version of Iliad, Book 1 (the great quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon; the dispute [the first of several] between Zeus and Hera), as well as samples drawn from subsequent books. The ANU Classical Society invites you to a second evening with William Zappa. Come and hear the Iliad as you have not heard it before. Zappa will read excerpts from his adaptation of Books 3, 4, and 5 and a longer episode from his recent work on Book 6 of the Iliad. There will be battle scenes and scenes of great tenderness. Don’t miss it!

Date and Times


ANU Classics Museum, 14 Ellery Crescent, 2601 Acton,